Hugs Upstairs

Because of my super-sized pain day yesterday, I spent the bulk of the evening upstairs in bed, letting my body rest a little. It was actually really wonderful and refreshing. As I had mentioned, however, Dekker’s been on the struggle bus recently, and at one point I invited him upstairs for a snuggle. He tends to think he can’t properly snuggle and protect his shoulder at the same time, but once he gets there, he settles easily and stays for a while. I talked him out of his spot on the struggle bus, and he rallied for a cozy selfie. And SURPRISE!!!

Did anyone else catch that Dekker looks like Rowan?!?!?! 😳 I gasped, and showed him and he, too, was super surprised! He recognized right away that he looked like Rowan!! So I crazy!

As tends to happen when I hole up during the evening, Brady sends the kids up to kiss me goodnight. Its actually the nicest thing. I love it so much. The kids like to see whats up there, what I’m doing/watching, etc. Waverly is still new at the concept of coming upstairs, giving a hug, and then going back down to finish bedtime stuff, partly because she’s just a little one and doesn’t know much about routines, and partly because she very recently slept up in our room anyway.

On this particular evening, Wavy was the last to arrive for hugs. She excitedly ran over to my bedside and gave me a big hug before running off to the door. But she got sidetracked when she saw some socks on the floor. Solly stood by the bedroom door, coaxing her. “Come with Solly, Wavy!,” he called. She looked from the socks to Solly, and back to the socks. I tried to help Solly, and called Wavy to go with him. But she seemed to be stuck. Finally, she bent down and picked up all four socks, dropped them into a nearby hamper. Then she followed Solly back to the bedrooms.

And that just felt crazy to me, because my toddler knew to tidy. I don’t know, it sounds so small but it made me excited. It thrills me that my children naturally help and pitch in, in their abilities at their ages. I have to see those little victories along the way, when I’m feeling like I’m a monster mom.

My sweet little toddler knows socks don’t belong in the middle of the floor. Hopefully she remembers that as she ages.


So precious!! 💕💖 Love those children of yours!
My first thot was Dekker looks like Brady did at that age, but yes, absolutely Rowan! 😁