Time is fleeting, and we don’t know the future. But for this moment in time, in its own small way, order is restored.

There is some normalcy back in our lives.

We can all rest a little easier, and breathe a little easier.

Brady being gone took a big piece of our family away. A big piece of our normal. Who would’ve thought Brady was SO normal?! 😆It is such a relief to have that back. To have him back.
If you think of us today, please do pray. Week two of radiation begins, and we are hoping his bigger side effects are just adjustments that come along with the first week. But, God’s will be done! We will take what comes, and with His help, we can handle it!
Take care of us, Lord. Wherever we land, protect us.
Amen… to all of it, Hailey!
This brings a verse to my mind, found in the Bible in Colossians.
It says…..
We pray that you’ll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul– not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that He has for us.
I’ve watched Brady and you using God’s strength instead of your own so often through these last months. You have been calm and actually restful at times when you could easily have been frozen in fear about soooo many things. It has been “unendurable” sometimes but God was also showing you such bright and beautiful things all around you, along the way….. through the love and care, thoughtfulness and support, and prayers of literally hundreds of people; through His peace, His hope, His healings and so much more…….. you guys chose God…. AND YOU LOOKED! And you ARE SEEING so much beauty in this very challenging mountain you’re labouring up.
God, I pray that our loved ones and friends will continue to stand with us through the long haul. They are such a huge part of our healing and joy. This mountain we’re climbing is looking pretty steep and it looks like the summit might take some time yet. I pray that you will continue to give Hailey and Brady and their family Your powerful strength and protection, Your peace and Your joy, so that they can continue to look up and see the wonder of You instead of loosing their step and falling as they climb. Thank you God, for seeing us through to the end of this long haul. We believe that You will never leave us or forsake us and that nothing can separate us from Your love… and we are trusting You!!!!
Keep looking up my darlings! With God nothing is impossible! We have so much more beauty and light to see, together, on this mountain trail. I love you guys so much!
This is such a beautiful, encouraging, warm comment, mom. Thank you <3 Thank you for praying and for sharing these words with us. You are completely right that NOTHING is impossible with God! We love you so much, mom. We are so grateful to have you here with us.