This is Solly’s first year in full time school! Kindergarten was every other day, which was good, but had its challenges. Solomon is always and bright, but he doesn’t always want to be. He’s content, and not always the most driven little guy there is. Yet he is an absolute delight to be around!
Yesterday was the first day I really saw him sound a word out when reading. Without hints or prompting, he sounded out the word “cat.” I know this may seem small, but its a big deal for us, and I celebrated like crazy. And he felt sooooo good about it! It was AWESOME!

Solly is an epic doddler, and he doesn’t like to be rushed, but every morning he comes upstairs fully dressed, with his backpack and all his loose hangers in hand. Don’t ask me why. I really only ask the kids for their hangers on a day where I’m doing laundry. Which isn’t every day. But hey, its a cute thing he thinks of and does to help!
He’s also starting to do more dishes. Again, he is old enough to do some of that stuff, but he’s snuck under the radar but having three older siblings. However, Waverly wants to do dishes, too, and its really shed light on how capable Solly must be, haha! So one of the big kids will volunteer to work as a team with Solly each day, and Wavy always wants to help Laela. We have a good system, and Solly is a willing part of it!
Solly is getting braver in his language, saying things like “I understand why” and “I can explain that.” His “did you know” is “have you known?” Its so much funnier, lol! He also says bizarre things like “welcome tooooo making supper.” He still makes his observations. They’re just fancier, hahaha!

Don’t get me wrong. He’s not all the way grown up. He still does weird things. Like running into the wall and blaming the wall for “hitting” him. Or like wearing his jeans backwards.

Don’t worry, I definitely helped him after I snapped a picture! 💜 I’m not a monster!
At the (literal) end of the day, Solly is the softest, gentlest, most content little thing to tuck into bed. He is always happy to be put down for bed, and he snuggles up with his little blankie that he named Gary, lol, and his blanket that I made him last Christmas. Yes, he sleeps with that thing every single day. No more duvets for him! He squishes down all cozy into his space, with one arm out, and calls “Give me my mommy!” until I come to his side. Its really, really nice.
Its sweet to be loved by Solly, and its sweet to love him, too. I LOVE loving you, Solomon. I’m really enjoying watching you grow! I am SO proud of you! 💜