Yesterday’s post was a shorty, and it was like that for a reason. I hope you know, if you’ve been following along long enough, how much I LOVE being a mother, and how much I LOVE my mother! Yesterday was no different, except that we celebrated that love a bit extra 🙂 Rather than write all about that love, I lived it instead. And it was awesome.
We had waffles for supper.

And then went out for a walk. It was SO chill and SO nice.

Three generations of women…

When our walk was over and bedtime was looming, mom headed home for the night. Shortly thereafter, a handful of half naked kids abandoned their bedtime routines and presented me with gifts.
Dekker made me a card at school, as well as a ceramic tile with a picture of the two of us on it. He told me I can put my coffee mug on it, if I want.

Laela made me a bookmark, and drew me a picture with a note on it. Can you read her note?

Brady helped them get me a shirt, also.

I think this shirt is a follow-up to the “Best Dad Ever” shirt we all got him last year 😉
I also got a beautiful card from my mom, but I’m keeping that close to my heart.
Brady got me a gift this year, as well! I’m SO amped for my new Echo Dot!

Do you guys know about this thing? She basically takes the place of a mothers helper 😆 so its fitting for Mother’s Day. She reminds me of stuff, tells me the weather, adds stuff to my grocery list, answers questions, and mostly – she solidly entertains the kids! I read a Facebook post where someone with lots of kids said they felt bad for their Echo Dot. I totally get that now!
It was a very cute, fulfilling Mother’s Day. I feel SO grateful.
I love you so much, my darling. Thanks for a great mother’s day.
Was a FANTASTIC day!