I’ve had some cute pictures of Solly to share for a couple of days, and this morning seems like the right time. He’s been so sweet and fun to be around, and I want to remember little mornings like these 🙂
About an hour ago, I was settling down in the living room, when I slammed my elbow on a side table. I must’ve let out a sound, and I leaned over and closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to stop. I heard Solly’s signature flat-footed elephant stomp as he made his way over to me.
Are you ok, mommy?
Yes, I’m ok. Thank you, Solly.
You’re serious, mommy?
Haha! This is one of the things I’ve been saying more often recently. Solly will flip through our books and speculate how the characters are feeling by looking at their expressions. Any character that isn’t smiling, he figures is mad. I often tell him I think they’re just serious. Apparently he’s listening.
I reassured him that I was truly ok, and sat back up and got myself together. But the look of concern didn’t leave his face.
Need a hug, mommy? A squeeze?
I would love that, Solly.
Ok. And a smooch? A kiss?
Definitely yes!
Ok mommy!
I got my hugs and kisses and he took off to do his own thing once again.

He is SO funny these days. This pictures is taken after Brady found him licking rocks out of the gutter 🤦♀️😂 Note the mud all down his hoodie, and his wind-swept hair under his helmet. Who doesn’t need a helmet for rock hunting? Or maybe its for his own pinwheel safety. 😉 His shoes are on the wrong feet, too. And he’s happy as a clam! There aren’t too many sweeter than this kid.
I’ve seen the little ages and stages a few times, and they’ve been different for each kid. I can’t speak for whats coming, but he has been the most charming two year old!!! Always pleasant and friendly. I can’t wait to see him grow and change as age three approaches! May isn’t all that far away…