Once all was done in the kitchen, we fed the kids and turned on a show for them, and fed ourselves as well. Eventually Rowan went down for a nap, and they headed home to prep supper and get ready for their evening activities. Now, I’m sitting on the couch, looking closer at the pictures Brady has been sending all day. He’s really enjoying working on our house, which is great, because its always better to have happy people doing the work than crusty ones. He finished the entries for the laundry chute, and sent me a picture of the tub, all framed in!!
Ugh. I can’t wait to soak in there!!! Beyond that, Brady has built in carpet wraps, and most recently has been drawing out and cutting shelves for our closets. Another thing I’m SUPER pumped for! Dekker has picked up on my excitement, and in moments of snuggling, or quiet in general, he’ll look at me SO sweetly and say something along the lines of “Mommy, I’m sooooo excited for our shelvin’ to be up!” He’s to die for.
The rest of the day will be pretty uneventful. My mom will drop by to pick some papers up, since her printer is fighting the power and ours that NEVER works is finally working! Haha! But that’s all we have scheduled for the day! I am SO very pregnant, having lots and lots of contractions, so I spend as much time resting as I can, which I think is the smartest thing I can do. If anything, Brady and I will build some more cabinets tonight, but thats it, thats all! These are good days. They are big, and kind of uncomfortable, but they are important, filled perfectly, and exciting!