My mom and I galavanted all over the city, and accomplished every single thing on our list. It was a huge success, and my body waited until the very very end before even showing signs of soreness or fatigue. I was vey thankful for that! As much as I try to power through things, because I WANT to be out and about, I know I have limits these days. Thankfully, I wasn’t too terribly limited today 🙂
When we got back to town, we drove to see the house, and I’ll admit that I was a bit disappointed. Not a whole lot of progress had happened with the shingling since yesterday. Very little, in fact. Still, we pulled up in front of the house and opened the window up to take a picture of the progress that there was, and I heard music. Through the glare on the living room window, we could barely see inside the house, but someone was still working in there! I loved seeing that, because almost everyone calls it at 4:59, but it was after 5:00 and whoever was in there was still up on ladders and moving quickly, from what we could see. Sadly, I didn’t have our key on me, the door was locked, and the music was blasting, so I didn’t get to go check out the inside, but Brady ducked out a couple of hours later to go check the progress.
I was THRILLED to learn that the vast majority of the house is insulated!!! The entire upstairs is done, minus a few little pieces that still need poly. Brady admitted that he forgot to check the basement, so I’m not sure if thats done or not, but if the one guy working there could do the entire upstairs in one day, the basement will be a piece of cake!!! I’m sooooo excited about all of this! I hope siding picks up a bit, but weather is weather. Its all wrapped in vapour barrier, and the roof is shingled, so nothing is stopping the progress inside. The next step is drywall, which feels incredibly surreal to me. Drywall. As in, walls. Walls that make rooms. That are part of the actual HOUSE! I know, I know, I sound crazy. But seriously, I am completely loving this entire process, and seeing it all come together.
We are certainly blessed to be able to build such a lovely home <3