My mom came over to play this morning, which was SUCH a treat! We haven’t had her out in our neck of the woods recently, so it was special to have her over, in our home for a couple of hours. We visited and caught up a bit, and the kids demanded every ounce of attention they could possibly squeeze out of her, which I think she enjoyed. An Old Navy parcel that we ordered together came, so we dismantled it together and picked and chose what to keep and send back. I got some great bathing suit bottoms and a rashguard, but weirdly enough, the bathing suit tops didn’t look nice at all, so they went back in the bag.
Mom left, and the kids and I some snacks for lunch, like always. Then I brought them Rowan and they were occupied while I ran around, getting the diaper bag packed and myself made up. I got dressed and brought an armful of clothes downstairs to dress them. And then, I was way too efficient, so I attempted to feed Rowan a bit more. When it was finally time to go, Dekker insisted on holding Laela’s hand, once again, this time helping her to the van. I love watching him help her in. He just gets right under her and pushes her bum as high up as he can No shame. I love it. Anyway, we got to the city, where we met Brady and drove together to my wax appointment. As I’ve said, I love my waxing girl. I feel like I have the best of the business in just about everything. Waxing, hair, doctor, chiro, dental, vision, etc. I had a nice relaxing appointment (not even kidding) and was out in record time with fresh legs and arms, and we were onto the next place.
Most of our evening was pretty boring for the kids, I think, because it was a lot of one of us just running in somewhere for one thing while the rest of us sat in the van. However, we made it good with lots of music and toys and then going out to eat. They ate so well, and were SO well behaved. But especially Laela was wearing thin. It got to a point where she would be in mid bite, and her eyes would well up, she would choke back her tears, and keep eating. She was so done. The curse of no naps for these kids.
They slept on the drive home, so I could listen to my latest song on repeat, like I like to do.
It was a bit discouraging to come home to fresh truck tire tracks across our yard again but we’re working so hard to be positive We hauled everything into the house, and I had a really nice visit with our neighbour over the fence. Of course, I got all caught up in it, and Brady got the kids diapered and dressed for bed. I thought for sure they’d be down by the time I got in, but they were still up. Apparently Laela had been a bit uncertain and was calling for me over and over. As soon as I entered their room, I sat on the floor, and she came up and sat on my lap with her blanket. I hugged her for a few seconds, and then she was good to go. Just wanted her mommy for a minute
I loved that.
We’re all tucked in finally, with a bath running to soak my freshly waxed legs in. I’m happy with today. I visited my mom, had some VERY proud moments with my kids, I made a few really fun purchases, and snagged a free playpen off of a buy and sell page! So many pros. So many!
Hopefully the sun keeps shining (literally and figuratively) and the days just get better and better from here on out!