For a while now, I’ve been seeing reels online where people roast up a big pan of tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic, and make it into tomato soup. And I’ve just really wanted to try it! So the other day, I went to Walmart (in person, like the old days, lol) and the kids and I bought 6 lbs of tomatoes. It felt like a lot… 🍅 🍅 🍅 🍅 🍅 🍅 I also bought cream. I had everything else at home. And today was the day to try it all out!
So naturally, I forgot to take a picture of the prettiest part – the big pan of halved tomatoes, with unpeeled hunks of garlic on top, salted and oiled and roasted.
I went slow motion. The recipe was all “meanwhile this” and “meanwhile that” and I rather read a few steps ahead to make sure I wouldn’t get caught burning stuff or ill prepared. While the tomatoes cooled, I did exactly that. I mixed up some veggie broth. I put together the few seasonings and cut up an onion. I peeled all the garlic as soon as it was cool enough. Somehow that stuff feels high stakes to me. I’m still new, I guess. But once all the details were accounted for, I melted a little butter and got into it.

Onions, sugar, and oregano. Nothing special. It eventually softened and I threw in all the other things. Garlic. Tomatoes. Broth. And then I left it alone until it started simmering.

I let it cook down for a little bit, 20 minutes or so, and then I turned it off to let it cool good and proper.
Well actually, I only let it cool for a short time, but then my blender disagreed so I let it cool a little longer, and when my blender cooperated, I buzzed it all up!
But then I had to strain it and let me tell you. That bugged me a LOT. It was taking forever.

But then I found a method and got the end bit done, and it came out smooth and beautiful!! It didn’t make as much as it promised to, but I imagine there’s a learning curve. I threw in some cream, salt and pepper, and voila!

The best part is that even the kids all enjoyed it, which I did not expect. It was delicious and, believe it or not, it tasted like tomatoes, which I only now realize canned tomato soup does not! Lol! Don’t worry. I’m not nitpicking anyone who eats soup from a can. I certainly do. But this was a fun thing to try and it turned out surprisingly good!
Laela exclaimed “If this is cheaper than canned soup, we should have it ALL the time!!” 😅 ‘Tisnt, Laela. Not even sort of, lol! But thats not the only reason to eat something thats good for you! Anyway. A whole conversation opened up from that, and it turned out to be a really successful suppertime.