A while back on a post titled “This Post is About Christmas,” I spitballed ideas about doing an unconventional gift exchange. I’ve had the idea for a long while but couldn’t really imagine how I’d put together such a thing. How could I do a gift exchange between people who didn’t know each other? Well, maybe they don’t have to… As I wrote that post, ideas started flowing, and I got excited all over again! Imagine my surprise when people actually went for it!!! Ack! I’m SO excited!!
I currently have a list of EIGHTEEN PARTICIPANTS! I’m SO happy its actually happening! But I want more I’m on the verge of making a Facebook group with a list of “rules” for participants to go by, such as a date to have either mailed, delivered, or arranged with me to drop off their gift by. I’m going to ask everyone to answer a few basic questions so people can learn small details about the person they’re giving a gift to, if they don’t know them personally. I think I’m also going to include a buyout. It seems harsh, but since we’re doing it so far in advance, I can’t have people bailing out a month down the road, leaving someone without a gift. So there’s going to be some kind of buyout. I think I’m also going to add a list of ideas, in case people are stumped
There are a few other guidelines, but I’ll get to those once the group is formed.
The stipulations of “homemade” will have some flex. It will differ for everyone. Gifts can be made from scratch, or could be upcycled from something else. I want to put a price on it, but that will also differ if people have materials in their home they can use. So I have to put more details together, but I want it to be affordable and fun for everyone.
I think I want to do this Secret Santa style. There are gift exchange generators online where I can put in peoples names and emails, and they’ll email you your person. So even I wouldn’t know who got who! Would that be smart? Or should I pull names from a hat and contact everyone personally? Either way, even if I don’t know, if a person is truly stumped, you could, of course, always come to me to ask for help!
Basically, this is me giving you another chance! I called a couple of people out who didn’t respond, so you’re currently not on the list, but I’d love for you to be! Anyone who wants to should feel totally free to join! It doesn’t matter how close of friends we are or where you live! We can work with you with shipping if necessary, and I’m happy to help with local delivery. I want anyone who wants to be in to be able to be in!
You have until September 15th to join!!