While Dekker had an opportunity to join the local high school for the track meet last year, this year was his first year competing as a high school student. I found it to be another cool experience leading up to the day, as Dekker finds his way, regardless of those around him and what they prefer. Dekker has a lot of really athletic people in his class, and often feels a bit lesser than them. Being on the set of Frozen Jr last year was a great push to like what he likes, even if his friends don’t, and that continues to carry on!
So today is track day, and Dekker was expected to participate in three events. Track is not Dekker’s favourite activity, and he managed it SO WELL. He chose two events, and then he requested to help work the concession. I loved that. I was told by multiple people that he worked SO hard all morning, and that he likely ran more in those hours than he did in his races.
However, he ran beautifully in his races. Even though he doesn’t care for it, Dekker ran hard and gave his races his all! He got second place in the 200m…

And he got second in the 400m!

He ran with friends and he truly seemed to enjoy himself, but was very happy to come reconnect with us after each race! He even very casually went to the ribbon table and asked for a sixth place ribbon for me 🤣 because…

Purple! 💜 He’s such a goof.
It was a lovely afternoon out in the sun. My back and shoulders are SO burned, hahaha! Worth it! I’m just that much more ready for summer 😎☀️
I am CRAZY proud of you, Dekker Thomas! It is truly an honour to me your mom, to love you, and to be loved by you 💜 You did amazing today.