Helping at Preschool

This year, the scheduling has changed up a bit, and I have fewer slots as the preschool helper. I won’t lie – it definitely helps me out and frees up some time. We rock a lot of appointments around here, and while I can’t fit appointments into that span of time, its a nice time of rest for me.

When I do help, however, I always really enjoy catching up with the teacher, who has definitely become a friend of mine over the years 💜 Today, the kids played really well, and the environment was pretty relaxed! Its always nice, also, to be so welcomed by Waverly. She is happy to have me there, and I like that feeling.

Wavy had some artwork on the wall that felt worthy of a mention. Mat man, to be specific.

Mat man resembles a pez dispenser that just went down a tube slide and is positively prickly with static. He seems a little concerned about things. I love him lol!

We loaded up and went home, craft in hand. They colored themselves with a friend. Wavy chose Sadie from the lake 💜

We miss you, Sadie from the lake, and the rest of your family!!!

*whispers* See you next week!