Reid came off a night shift, after working outside in the crazy wind, and drove out of town to our house to help. It was both unexpected and totally appreciated! Brady, he, and I visited for a while before they actually decided to start moving the tub. The kids were eager to witness the process, though Solly was less than enthused.
Regardless of his joy or lack there of, the three of us headed into the garage and got set up. Reid was far more prepared than we were, and brought out gloves and even a hard hat, just to keep it corny 😜👷 We can always count on you! The started to work right away, and what should have only been a ten minute job became a task that hijacked over an hour of time!
The tub needed to come in the front door rather than through the man door from the garage, so the guys carried it through the crazy wind into the entrance. Who knew that would be the easy part?
They tried everything! The tub went up and down the up side of our stairs, back out the door, and turned around 180. We took off the front door altogether. We pulled chunks of the lumber off of the bathtub that were making it more sturdy to haul but took up space. They. Did. Everything. And it was sooooo close. WAY too close to not go forward with it.
So, we bit the bullet and took the hit. Hits, I should say. And they were pretty sizeable.
Oy. Right? But really, it was too stinking close, the tub was perfect, and these gashes are nothing we can’t putty and repaint fairly easily. It looks a mess now, but I am SO relieved to have that tub downstairs!! Not only that, but we abused our guest just a liiiiittle bit more and he and Brady hauled that big chest freezer out of the basement into the garage!!
Both of those jobs were HUGE, literally and metaphorically, and I am SO thankful to have them DONE! Brady will spend tomorrow working on the framing in our basement, which was also once again made easier by someone lending him a framing nailer that fit the nails Brady had from a previous time he had borrowed a nailer from someone else. So we literally have all of the materials and hardware we need at no extra cost! At least for today, haha! You never know what will come up tomorrow! But for today, I am SO thrilled for the amazing amount of help that Reid willingly offered us, and the amount of work they got done. Brady and I couldn’t have done those jobs without help, and now they are DONE! Hopefully we never ever have to move that tub out of the basement ever again. 😳 And by “we,” I mean “them.”