Can you see why?
We ran some errands in the city today, and finally got a few things accomplished. Not everything, but some. The kids were sooo tired and slept on the drive home. Not nearly long enough though. They were both crabby and upset once we got home, so we put them down for…
the most useless nap there ever was!!! Not one moment of silence. Dekker was crawling around his bed, hanging his legs over the side, standing up and bugging Laela, who then got up went all around her crib, grabbing the rail and bouncing and bouncing and bouncing. It was hilarious to watch, but it did precede a fairly long evening.
Dekker went down shortly after 7:30 and Laela is just going down now after her bottle. Deks is already fast asleep. Weirdly enough, she handles her fatigue quite a bit better than Dekker does, and will sooner just sit in one place and rub her eyes, while Dekker gets louder and louder the more tired he gets.
Our evening was hands on enough that Brady and I will only get supper after the kids are both tucked in, and I’m looking forward to leftover pasta! That was sooo good the first time, and I have nigh hopes for the leftovers. Yum! Supper and The Bachelorette sounds like the perfect end to this day. I hope you all have a great evening as well!