He’s been working at it for a while now, but as anyone who has ever watched a baby try to roll over knows, he kept getting hung up on his arms. Well today he finally did it!
Solly is about 4.5 months, and while I know lots and lots of babies roll earlier, ours never do. They’re always 5+ months by the time they find their way onto their tummies. Especially in Sollys case, our kids always bring him toys, including the one that hangs over him, so he never has a real need to go anywhere. But this excites me 🙂 Don’t bother with the “Now you’re in for it” comments, I’m more than familiar with what comes next. I personally LOVE the stage when they start moving! My single roadblock with that this time around is that our front stairs don’t really accommodate a baby gate, so we’ll have to figure something out in the next couple of months. But I’m not worried. I love milestones! Great work, Solly man!
*** As an aside, I really want to thank everyone that was excited with me about receiving the first round of books in the mail. I really wish you could actually hold them in your hands and feel the excitement too. They just feel so real, and so good! Eek!! Thanks for the support <3
Awwww, I’m so happy to hear this, especially since he was trying for it when I was there! Way to go Solly! He’s So cute!!!😬
Yup, he’s been working hard! SO nice to see him reach his goal <3