While I’m saying the year has been a blur, the day he was born is not.
I will NEVER forget that day. It was relaxed and happy, which was perfectly fitting, because so were you 🙂
I was so smitten with you the moment I found out you were growing in my womb, but MAN! Meeting you was a complete game changer! You were soft and smooth and comfy and relaxed. You were HUGE. Almost as big as your record-holding brother. I am so thankful I was able to have you eight days early 😉 You were complication-free, and just wanted to sleep, which your dad and I were happy to comply with. Anything for the baby.
You’ve changed a lot since that day. Who knew a person could continue getting cuter past the point of average adorability?? You set the bar pretty high, my boy!
Thank you for joining our family and sharing all of your love with us! I love your heart, Solomon Brady. I hope you feel all of our love right back for you! Your daddy and I love you in a way you won’t likely grasp until you have babies of your own, and your siblings have a very protective love for you as well. I happen to know MANY other people out there who are quite fond of you, as well.
You are loved dearly. I hope your day is so happy.
Happy Birthday, Solly! You are such a cuddly, smiling, happy boy! You are just waiting to grow up like your brothers and sister! We were so happy to see you just three days ago and feel your happy hugs!! Love you.💖
Grama and Grampa B
He loves you back, I’m sure you know <3