Party hats were broken out and the friendship bracelet kit was opened. Well, we made friendship necklaces. Tapefetti necklaces, to be more specific. Yup, its a thing.
I’d tell you how it works, but that would kill the mystery. Hmmm, shame these pictures didn’t work out better :/ Our tapefetti designs were poured over and debated for quite some time before we had the perfect combinations. Its an art, really. An art best mastered over coffee and to the sound of Say Yes to the Dress.
I feel guilty saying the best part, because the best part was celebrating with Jerilee, but she bought me the best birthday gift I could have ever received!!!
Isn’t it beautiful? I think it needs a name. She has this whole lie worked out a while ago when she purchased it, I fell in love with it, and then she “returned” it. I mourned its death to her for a while, which I suppose was all part of the evil plan. The ruse came to a halt today when I learned that it was my purse the whole time. Jerilee, I LOVE this bag!!! I’m so excited to have a sexy bag to sport on the days when I’m diaper-bag free! No more carrying my phone, wallet, keys, and lip gloss in my hands. A’int no one got time for that!
Once Brady arrived home, he finished up the supper I started in the crock pot and we had cheesy chicken and rice. A very hot meal on a very hot day, in the very hot upstairs of our house. Then we took a cutesy picture and sent Jerilee off to her evening of nerdiness with other friends. Psh.
I have to say, as a point of caution for wearers of party hats – You never know how close you walk to things (or people) until you wear a sideways party hat. Mine was pretty bashed in by the time I finally took it off. Huh, speaking of which, I still have a star sticker on my face…
Now that the party is over, the kids are in bed, I’m doing this, and Brady is mowing swathing our lawn. Soon, there will be a bubble bath and some Netflix, and likely more macarons.
Best. Day. Ever. This was exactly what I needed today. I love you, belated birthday girl!!! Thanks for your love and thoughtfulness <3
Awww! Moment 😉
awwwwwww… you guys are soooooooooo cute….hats and stickers and all. Happy Birthday girls ….. you’re beautiful!
Thanks mom 🙂 It was really the perfect day. I can’t find the words to fully describe it, but that alone should say a lot, since you should know, I’m REALLY good at talking!!
haha ……..there’s nothing wrong with being an excellent communicater 🙂