This almost NEVER happens! But as you know if you live anywhere near me, we got one heck of a dump of snow over the weekend, and because many highways were closed, they opted to cancel school for the day and give everyone a snow day! Thank goodness Dekker invited me to join him on a walk before the real cold kicked in!!

On days like today, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to be a stay at home parent whose schedule isn’t thrown into a panic when school is closed 💜 I know not everyone has the luxury of that, and its not lost on me.
However, my schedule was thrown into a bit a heap because I had a really important appointment to go to this morning that I could not attend. That was hard. And that appointment was meant to be at 8am, so I couldn’t even call ahead really. It felt BAD. In those moments, I was pretty mad at the snow day.
But, the snow day also meant Brady could work from home 💜 And I liked that.

It also also meant a low key day for the kids. Rowan built animals out of lego.

“Mom, doesn’t this lego piece look like a pug?”

The girls left Saturday morning and only got home this afternoon! What started as a super special sleepover became a full weekend event!! Ack!!

Thank you SO MUCH for having them 💜 What a riot they had!! And you weren’t kidding 😅 They are WIPED!!!! Lol!
I am just SO grateful. Our appointment will be rescheduled. It will come. Just not yet. And thats ok. Being holed up today was awesome.
We’ve eaten treats and easy food. Watched AFV. And worked on a VERY exciting renovation over here! Ack!! Just wait until you seeeee iiiiiit!!! 😍 I’m totally stoked!
Well. Happy snow day, guys. It has been over here 💜