Haphazard Photo Post

Its been over a week since I pulled the pictures off of our camera! I was doing so good at doing it every evening, but I feel behind, and THAT calls for a photo post! As has happened before, this post will contain a ton of pictures that maaaaaybe include captions. Behold! Our life in the last nine days 🙂
Role reversal, much?


IMG_0083 - Version 2IMG_0084 - Version 2

Tummy tummy tummy

The kids waited SO patiently while we signed some forms with our realtor…

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Princess toes
Princess toes
My family ring!! Third greenish strand added for Rowan :)
My family ring!! Third greenish strand added for Rowan 🙂
Nap time with Uncle Stefan <3



This is how my children REALLY feel about the amount they are photographed ;)
This is how my children REALLY feel about the amount they are photographed 😉

Just jokes 🙂 They’re content kids!

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We caught them cuddling!
A new development! Dekker is learning to talk on the phone! Laela likes it too, but she's less of a conversationalist.
A new development! Dekker is learning to talk on the phone! Laela likes it too, but she’s less of a conversationalist.
Ro is still scrunched enough that he gives a nice tight hug.
Ro is still scrunched enough that he gives a nice tight hug.
So much personality!

My goodness! Do you think thats enough pictures for one day?! I don’t 🙂 I could look at these all day long. They bring me so much joy <3

Speaking of the kids bringing me joy, I’m off to go play with them and eat hot dogs. Because its spring.