I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off all morning. It was a wild first few hours, and I felt SO unbelievably frazzled. However, there was a stretch of time in the afternoon where both of the babies slept 😍 So Brady worked on his work laptop, and I put in an ear bud and listened to some true crime while I played yarn. And by “played yarn” I do not mean crocheted, haha! But I have some prep to do before I can dive into one of my projects fully, so I did some of that. It was restful and nice and quiet.
Once the kids were home, both babies continued to be pretty peaceful, so Laela and I walked to pick up the mail, as well as a couple of prescriptions. Laela and I both love the rain 💜 So I thought it would be fun to walk in the beginnings of the rain together, even though it was cold.

I was a little bit wrong, haha! It was fun, mostly, but I foolishly picked up the mail, which ended up containing a large parcel I had the pleasure of carrying home. But thats ok! It wasn’t too heavy 🙂 Just awkward.
We grabbed the meds and our mail, and were maybe halfway home when Tom pulled over and invited us in for a ride! What a relief 💜 We sure love Tom over here! Thank you for the ride 💜
We got home and warmed up for a little, but I got up pretty quickly to get supper put together. Now, don’t come for me. Our latest cozy easy meal is VERY basic and boring, and starch heavy. But its also delicious, uses up leftovers, and no one fights it. Its called riceandstuffandsauce. I know. It really rolls off the tongue. Anyway, today’s rice contained corn, bacon bits, and leftover turkey. Butter. Salt. And then sauce was thick mushroom soup. Souper simple, like I said 😏 My favorite part of it today was that, after our walk, Laela wanted to help me!

She stirred the sauce and told me stories from school.
I have yet to make the kids help in the kitchen. Sometimes I’ll ask for little help here and there, especially if I know its a job they enjoy, but usually I prepare the meals without making them help. But I LOVE when they ask to 💜 Its really really nice for me to know they want to spend that time.
Well. Today Brady worked in store for a couple of hours! Meanwhile, I took our morsel to an appointment. Bought the lemon drop the next size up in sleepers. Filled up the van with really, really expensive gas 🤮 Picked Brady up. And picked up a swing for our older baby to use on our swing set this next season! I can’t wait for that! Still have to get that thing assembled, though. *adds swing set to list*
Tomorrow has less outings and more innings. A friend is coming to make a big fat garbage run for us, which is AMAZING. Brady will work some home hours. I don’t think there are any appointments on the books. Maybe I’ll get to bake again! Or put together a to-do list, because goodness there is a lot to do around here. Dig all the deadfall out of the flowerbeds. Replace the kitchen faucet. Replace the island top. Paint one wall of the kitchen. Trim up where we took down that other wall. Figure out some electrical work for our new pantry. Laundry laundry laundry. I also need to start making a list for camp things!! Ack!
Before then, I wait eagerly for garage sale day in hopes to procure a fire pit, as this house doesn’t have one, as well as some bikes for the upcoming lake season. And if I can be honest, I REALLY want the kids to have a climbing dome in the backyard. Oh and I’m on the hunt for raspberry and strawberry plants to put in my backyard. Yikes. Thats quite a list.
Goodness. I’ve rabbit trailed. My mind is going a mile a minute, yet the rest of me is so unbelievably tired. My brain, body, and heart are all a tad on the weary side today, so I’m a bit all over the place.
Today was good. Quite good in some ways 💜 Thank you Lord for giving us all You have. We don’t know how good we truly have it.