I’ve been able to spend a bit longer lengths at the hospital in the last few days, and Brady and I have really enjoyed our time together. When we have enough time, we like to play cards. It is a nice way to do something different, mix it up while we visit, and honestly, its a solid distraction from all the scary crap.
We play a lot of SkipBo, because it doesn’t require a ton of thinking, so its easy to play while we visit. Also, it doesn’t take up a ton of space so we can play it on the little hospital table that goes over the bed. Its a good setup!
The other day, we played a game with twenty cards in the pile. I crushed him in that round, and when I won, he still had fourteen cards left. As we tend to do, he flipped them to see what he had, and whether it was hopeful or not.
It was not.

Probably the worst pile of cards I’ve ever seen! He had no chance!
I realize as I write this that, if you don’t know how to play SkipBo, this means nothing to you. So if nothing else, enjoy Brady’s gorgeous smile and the light moment we shared.