Brady had to work this morning. He didn’t have TONS to do, because he’s going to work Monday, but he went in today just for the morning in an effort to make absolute sure that Monday wouldn’t turn into a 12+ hour work day. The most exciting thing Brady has been working on is assembling our island top! I was very adamant that we have butcher block, but our island being 7′ long makes that complicated, since all prefabbed slabs are 6′. That left us buying two 6′ slabs and cutting them up, and reassembling them. This makes them run the less common way, vertical along the counter rather than horizontal. But he’s been working hard at getting everything smoothed out and glued well and I have to say, the slab is gorgeous. I’m SO excited for it to be my island!!

Brady came home shortly before noon, bearing coffee, breakfast sandwiches, and hash browns for us. It was a delicious lunch! I got ready pretty quickly after that and headed out around 1:30 for my hair appointment at 2:00. I had one little touch up in between (just getting the side re-shaved) but otherwise, I haven’t hd the color redone since before Christmas!!! That is a LONG time for me, but the shaved part being brown makes my roots look a lot more reasonable, aaaaalmost intentional. But I was very excited to get it redone today. Since my natural color is so dark, it always takes a solid 2+ hours to get it all white blonde like I like, which means a nice stretch of away time, chatting with my hairstylist, getting pampered, and just not being “on” constantly. This time around, I didn’t make any major changes (Major Changes *salutes* Anyone? Anyone?!) I got the blonde redone, the side re-shaved, and the long hair was shaped and helped a little, but really, very little changed. I am loving the long side with the completely shaved side, so we’re going to keep rolling with it. At the end, when Carlinna styled it, I mentioned that I sometimes braid the front, and I hope to figure out a braid in the back eventually. She, of course, offered to braid the back, and it was probably 2.5 minutes later, she had put in a beautiful french braid. I wish I could always have it!!
When I got home, Rowan was in a bit of a state. He had napped most of the time I was away, and had been fairly out of sorts since he had woken up, which is not normally the case with him. Brady said he was trying to cuddle him, but Ro would struggle to get down and then burst out crying the moment he was down. We’ve all been there :/ Its not an uncommon baby thing. But I scooped him up into the big recliner with me and he just morphed around my belly, tucked his fist under my boobs, and was still and silent. It was adorable. It felt good to be needed. After a nice ten or fifteen minute snuggle, he was off and happy to play.
Brady and I are both feeling decently wiped at this point, however. Our bodies know our Saturdays are usually different that this one, so we’re a bit sleepy. Looking forward to some lazy hours after the kids hit the sack. T-30 until bedtime routine begins!!