More than ever, I’m trying to live day by day. Looking too far ahead makes me crazy, and its not healthy for me. I know this. That being said, though, I love anticipating and looking forward to things. Having lost two babies this year, I’m obviously finding it hard not to be planning for and anticipating the birth of another child. Its possibly one of the biggest challenges I’ve ever experienced.
So I’ve decided to channel my planning energy into Christmas!! I wrote on Facebook earlier that I am more than aware that some of my friends have pretty strong feelings about getting into the Christmas spirit “too early.” Let’s just keep with the rule of thumb and be polite, even if we disagree on this one, ok? I am struggling SO HARD with not looking ahead, so I’ve given up trying not to, and have just changed the thing I’m anticipating. Makes sense, right? Right. I think so too 😉
For the last few years, we’ve done the four categories of Christmas gifts. Each kids gets something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. We like to get them one shared thing as well, and then jammies, socks, and underwear as needed. Basically stuff that we’d normally buy them if it was necessary, but we make it be part of Christmas, haha! I love this system for a lot of reasons. We don’t end up with a TON of toys, for one thing. We can make part of the gift giving practical. And I really like that we can plan ahead and therefore be nice and organized, as well as being smarter financially.
This year is proving more difficult as I’ve been brainstorming lists for the kids. To be fair, I know I have time, but I love to be organized and ready in advance. If I’m all ready and shopped up early, I can spend more time doing activities with the kids, baking, etc. So the brainstorming began a couple of weeks ago already. We’ve made decisions already on everyone’s “something to read,” and we have a plan for their “something to wear” as well. We have a few of the “wear” items on hand already, and have ordered a few sets of jammies. So its starting to come together, slowly.
Each year, I find the “something to need” to be the biggest challenge. We are fortunate enough to be able to purchase what our children truly need as they come up. So I’ve had trouble discerning what actually constitutes a need. Last year, I gave up and just chose them practical gifts for their needs. Laela got a jewelry box for her tangled pile of necklaces. Dekker got a new pillow. Stuff like that. This year, we already have a few needs chosen, and strangely, the part of the list that is giving us the most trouble is the wants!!
I assume Dekker and Laela being in school will give them some ideas of what they want, though so far Laela insists she wants a stuffed toy for Christmas. Because apparently the four she sleeps with, along with her pillow and three blankets isn’t enough, haha! I don’t just want to buy toys, honestly. They have SO many. I’ve been super excited, though, to find some really cool things and really good ideas that are somewhat practical that I know our kids will love. But here’s my quandary. They’ll all be pretty useless in winter. They’ll be awesome in spring and in the warmer months, but not in winter.
What would you do? Would you get them these fun things for the warmer months, only to pack them away until the time comes? Or would you keep brainstorming for other things? I’m so tossed up. They’ll like these things WAY more than something plastic floating around the living room for a couple of months, but at least those they’d get to play with. Please share your thoughts with me!!