But here we are, on a new day, so I can show you guys my new do!!
It is easily my favorite color we’ve ever added to the mix!! I loved the pink pieces that we put in last time, and I suggested we go purple this time. My hair girl asked me “Pastel again, or should we got a bit punchier?” One doesn’t simply suggest a bold option to me and expect me not to take it, so I quickly agreed “Punchier,” and off we went! And the side shave is something I really anticipate each time as well. So many people who have long hair shave a piece off, and then the struggle to grow it back out is a pain. For me, it all started short, and now I’m kind of unintentionally growing the one side out? I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing, but I’m enjoying it! And somehow, the shaved side is keeping things interesting and I’m not getting too bored. Says the girl with the purple hair and the zebra stripes…
Seriously though, I’m having SO much hair fun! If anyone needs a hair girl, I have the BEST one.
Onto far more important information. Rowan!! I wanted to update you guys on how the last three weeks or so have been since we stole Rowan’s precious teetee/chew blanket from him. If you missed that post, it was in reference to Rowan’s huge mouth, and how I was noticing that Rowan’s mouth never really closed. His teeth were perpetually open in the front. He didn’t have so much an overbite as an open bite. I decided to take his cuddle blanket from him, since he slept with it stuffed in his mouth all night long. It was awful taking it from him. He screamed and cried and begged, and we let him, believing we needed to.
And guys, we were right.
Look at that difference!! Can you guys see it?? I hope the pictures are clear enough, because it is SO CLEAR how his entire face shape has changed since we took his blanket away! And his mouth closes!!! He is even better at eating sandwiches, which sounds silly but is entirely true. The other day, eating a burger, only the lettuce pulled out with him not being able to bite through it. It used to be the whole thing, and sandwiches would just get destroyed. He still has something of an overbite, but so does just about everyone. And his head is tilted up in this second “after” picture, so his overbite isn’t even as big as it looks there. Seriously, its made a massive difference!!! That feels like a definite win!! He was gorgeous before, and he’s gorgeous now, but I feel so much more confident in my decision to be “mean” now that I can see the enormous results. And he hasn’t suffered being teetee-less either 😉 His fox, which he refers to as his “focky” (lol!) has been a lovely replacement that he never puts in his mouth. Woot!!
There you have it. A few positive updates for the day 🙂 One mattered a lot more than the other, but they both feel like things I’m thankful for. I hope you guys have a few high points from your weekend as well! Bring on the new week!!!