If you’re on my Facebook, you may have noticed the GIANT ego boost I received yesterday about my crocheted blankets. That was wildly unexpected and so appreciated 💜 I am completely flattered with all the complements. What confidence you all instilled! Thank you!!
I started crocheting when I was around twelve. I remember my mom giving me a small crochet hooks that she had it her sewing kit. It was a small size. Kind of a pink/nude color. She had one ball of variegated yarn that she gave me. She showed me how to chain and do a singe stitch. And then she left to make us all supper. I sat in my room and played around with it, occasionally surfacing to the kitchen, having completely forgotten the stitch. She’d patiently show me again, and I’d take off to go see if I could make it work.
I’ve come a long way since making those crooked flat topped toques for everyone I knew.
Crocheting has now become a bit more of a need than a hobby. When Brady left for his surgery, I had crochet plans! I figured I’d have ALL this spare time; and I was going to crochet everything in those days. But as it happened, I couldn’t squeak out a single project. I had NO gumption. No passion.
Very quickly after my husband was back home safely under our roof, my anxiety bug bit HARD. Conveniently,
so did the crocheting bug! I bit back and began working on projects way beyond my comfort zone. Crocheting kept my hands busy, and instead of picking my poor destroyed shoulders, arms, and fingers, they created beautiful things. When my brain got too swirly and scared, I could think about counting stitches and watch progress in a positive way.
Since Brady came home, I have completed six full sized afghans, two baby blankets, and I’m halfway through another full sized one. I posted some on Facebook, but I’ll put them here too, in case you missed them.
The first two, I actually managed to make for Christmas gifts last year, and the bottom one was from this year. I have more I’m excited to share with you, but they get their own post another 😘
As if I haven’t said it enough, I greatly appreciated your support yesterday on Facebook. You encouraged me in my work abs creativity. It’s exciting to see something from my childhood aid in my healing and end up making beautiful things.

Thank you, friends.