Guest Post: That’s So Wavy

Cher here!

Since Wavy has been coming to my house she has become really familiar with everything. So much so that what’s mine is hers, in the cutest fashion. 😍

The other day we were outside blowing bubbles in the wind because we didn’t have to work that hard for it. Eventually she found my bright pink sunglasses on the deck, put them on, and called them hers. I had to remind her that they were also mine. I laughed so hard. That girl wants sunglasses at my house SO BADLY!

After that, I heard from Hailey that her mom was over. This was exciting because I had a super early birthday gift for her. I just needed to wrap it and get over to her house within 15 mins. I said “Wavy! Do you wanna help me wrap a present for grandma really quick?!” She excitedly replied “SURE! YOUR ROOM OR MINE?!” oh was it ever cute. She was referring to the spare room that her and Laela have had sleepovers in as her room. To be fair she does have hair supplies and a housecoat that live in my house.

Anyways just some cute things to share from recently. Waverly, I am gonna miss you when you go into grade 1! 

This picture is from when she said “your room or mine?” I had to capture the moment!