Guest Post: Hailey ROCKS

So this blog is inspired by this meme I just saw. I recently went to a memorial for a friend who passed away and everyone marveled and spoke of her kindred spirit kind of way, and her inner child that never died. 

I couldn’t help but appreciate my own best friend even more for those qualities she has. Although I would call Hailey an old soul, she has an innocent, youthful quality that i thoroughly enjoy. 

She in fact DOES still show me beautiful rocks. She loves rocks and her kids know it and they even bring HER rocks.

Hailey is not afraid to just be completely SILLY. And I’m talking like a total goober! Not a care in the world who is looking, she’s just secure like that. (She wouldn’t agree but she’s wrong).

She takes every opportunity she can to be a nut, and I am here for it. I love that she is so full of life even though these days are really challenging with business. 

The way she teases her kids is just golden. Especially the thing she has going with Dekker. One time I was napping on the couch and I felt a presence so I opened my eyes. There was my best friend. Holding a fish cracker with two hands. As soon as my eyes opened she started to sing “PETITE POISSONS” with a low, but loud French accent. 

I am so thankful for the silliness in my life and the people who bring it. 

I love you Hailey.