I’m feeling preppy these days. Not the standard preppy, but like, preparationy. You get it.
I feel very much the same as I did two years ago. Its so bizarre. Two years ago, we didn’t even know Brady had a tumour. We didn’t know he would have surgery. We didn’t know he would live at the hospital for nine weeks. But instinct told me to prepare. And while nothing could have prepared us for what was to come, I did everything I could to quash that feeling. In my case, this mostly meant meal prepping.
I don’t know if its just the new year or if its straight up body memory preparing for the month ahead. February is a hard month. Its a full month, and it was a really traumatizing month two years ago.
Anyway. I’m feeling the need to prep some of the hard things ahead of time. And one of my biggest frustrations is packing lunches. It may in fact be the death of me. So I’m feeling eager to get things in order for that. So I’ve been getting into the swing of grab and go lunches, starting with granola bars that the kids love and that freeze well. Wavy is a very cute kitchen helper, which makes things easier.

Next will be the mini pizza buns and cheese buns. Hopefully I can do muffins too. I need to grab a few more boxes of cheese strings, and I’ll maintain fresh stuff as always. I should get some boost for me, also. But I’m on my way to having at least one small thing prepared.
This seems small, but I’m trying to go with my gut, and my gut says to prepare. So I’m gonna.
Aaaaand if anyone else has any cool ideas of lunch things that I can make a mountain of in advance just to make my life easier, they would be greatly appreciated! 💜