I don’t know if its a big family thing or just a thing, but we have a pretty rough case of disappearing cutlery around here. We have for years.
I’m confident part of it is psychological, and not actually happening. As the kids have aged, we’ve given up on plastic ikea dishes altogether, and all the kids use the real cutlery now. So there is just generally less in the drawer. This makes sense. But also, it just goes missing. I have definitely found a lot on the top of the garbage bin after kids unpack their lunches. Under the picnic table at camp. I saw some go down heating vents back in the day. I don’t know where the rest of it goes. It just goes.
I recently was given my grandmothers cutlery set, and I was so excited! More cutlery!!!!

I was thinking I could split it up a bit between home and camp, and we would have no shortage!!
But man. Washing it up, it was really cool to have my grandmas cutlery. It may seem super standard or old fashioned, but it is very much my grandparents. Very much their home. Very memorable. There is no way this stuff is going to camp.
So right now, it all lives at home in our beautifully full cutlery drawer. It’ll get sorted out, and our worst, weakest stuff will come to camp with us. And grandma’s stuff will live here 💜 And I’m really happy about that.