As happens SO often, Jerilee saved the day. She was going to come later in the day and spend the afternoon and evening with us, but she willingly came in the morning and hung with the snot faucets while Brady and I went to practice and then to church for the morning. What. A. Relief.
Church was lovely, and the music went well. We got home around 11:30 and were greeted by a happy group, who all seemed pretty content with the mornings events. Win!
We quickly discovered that Brady and I had an oversight, and hadn’t purchased a handful of the groceries we needed for the meal we had planned. Brady lovingly set up lunch with the kids while Jerilee and I drove to a nearby town and did a quick grocery shop. We had a bit of a laugh in deciding to bring home some cheap McDonalds burgers for lunch, but thankfully we weren’t the only people with that idea! The drive-thru was backed up pretty far, but we got our bag of sandwiches and made our way home. Come to find, 3/4 kids are in bed and Dekker had some Lego on the go. We clicked a movie on and ate our burgers WAY too quickly. They were so good today, don’t ask me why!
Once the kidlets are awake, we’ll start prepping our yummy supper of cheesy potatoes, sausage, and broccoli salad. But we’ve got time 🙂 No deadlines today. And tomorrow is a HOME DAY!!! I’m SO thrilled to have Brady home for three days in a row! Its been a long time, and I’m kind of a fan of him…