
You know what I mean. Those beautiful grey days. We had a glorious one today at the lake. While I LOVE the hot hot summer days, and being warm to the core, I also love fall camping. I’m not entirely ready for it to take over the summer season just yet, but there are so many nice things about fall camping, and a big one is really soaking up the fires, drinking coffee, fewer bugs, etc.

Today was gloomy, but SO lovely, so I’m dubbing it gloomiful.

See what I’m saying?

I got up for the day and found my dear Avery and Jaxon setting up the campsite for our weekly smorning date. Jaxon does chairs and Avery builds the fire. They have a system.

Don’t worry, Avery waits until I’m up before she starts the fire šŸ’œ

Our kids were up shortly thereafter and as usual, there was a warm reception. I LOVE the dynamic between our two families.

The rest of the morning was spent sipping coffee around the fire.

We relaxed, and stoked the fire for hours. The kids must’ve hauled five loads of wood in our big wagon by the end of the day. It was positively awesome. I loved the day.

All this to say, it was a busier weekend at the campground, and the beach wasn’t as relaxing as it usually is. But the campsite sure was, and I will take no issue šŸ’œ There will be many days left in the season to spend in and on the water.

Tomorrow begins yet another big week for our family. Four appointments. Three meetings. At least one important phone call. Hosting one supper guest and being supper guests another night. A work Saturday and a very important birthday! Aaaaand being in total limbo in a few other ways that should potentially resolve this week šŸ˜… If you are the praying kind, please offer one up in the name of our family!

Happy Sunday, everyone šŸ’œ Welcome to the week!