We kicked off yesterday with washing all the kids bedding. Does anyone else just hate doing bedding?? I really do, and we don’t do it half as often as we should. But it was on the list to for sure do it before the baby came because, if chores are going to get neglected, they’re going to get super neglected once Bambina comes and I’m even less motivated to get up and do them when I could rather be cuddling. So, bedding. That got washed, and Brady remade everyone’s beds, amidst a few take downs between our little sweeties.
Its good to see Rowan get a win finally, haha! He’s not usually on top of the pile of kids in the wrestling match 🙂
While the kids napped yesterday, Brady and I got some decor stuff started for Bambina’s baby party! Just organizing the fake flowers, mostly, deciding what will go where and what we’ll use for what. It wasn’t exactly hard work, but I’m embarrassed to say that cutting the heads off the flowers gave me blisters inside my hands and fingers, and they hurt like crazy!!!
The flowers are pretty pretty though!
After naptime, we took the kids out for some errands, and unfortunately, things were kind of a bust. We did find a pump for a big water jug to bring to the lake, so that was a small win, but that was literally it. We did, however, have a SUPER CUTE pizza party in the back of the bus!!
Instead of our usual McDonalds, we hit up Little Caesars and braved the greasy mess. And the kids LOVED it!! Brady set them all up eating together while I was in a store, searching desperately for a decent list of things, none of which I actually found. I came out to the van discouraged, but it was had to stay annoyed with that when I was met with this adorable sight!! Our family polished off three of the medium “hot n ready” pizzas, easily. They were super happy.
We drove home, and Laela and I took some selfies before the boys were released from their seats.
I feel the need to clarify that Brady is picking Laela’s nose. Not me, nor Laela.
That was it for yesterday. This morning was pretty wildly productive around here. We didn’t nix a ton off my big list, but we crushed a bunch of little annoying jobs 🙂 We finished off the laundry, including some linens from around the house, and all my stuff that I wash on delicate (read: the stuff I don’t wash nearly often enough.) We tidied some tabletops that tend to carry clutter, reorganized our kids craft area, dusted our bedroom, cleaned the main floor bathroom, aaaaand finally got the ridiculous mess off of our front window from where our homebuilder originally stuck a paper with our house number printed on it. I know, we’ve lived here for two years already, but the stick that the tape left behind was not normal tape sticky stuff, and we’ve never been able to get it off! Not even straight oil loosened it up. But today, I took a dish brush and blue dawn to it, and BOOM – clean!
Brady also washed the kids 🙂
Dekker, too, but he takes his own bath. Once everyone was clean and fresh, they lunched. The littles napped, and the big one legoed. Brady and I actually sat for a bit, and then got showers. We are officially all clean, lol!
Being that I’m still choking my lungs out, my family is off to a birthday party, and I’m hiding at home to avoid passing sickness on to my brand new nephew, and possibly healing my throat by not talking for an entire evening, and maybe even accomplishing a few more things. And then I have a church meeting to attend.
So the day is definitely not done! I have to choose what to do with my empty house. I think I’m going to keep working at all kinds of things, but mostly relaxed, sit down stuff. I have a LOT of things I need to type up on the laptop, so maybe I’ll start there. Wish me luck!!!