Getting Ready for School

Yesterday evening, after an incredibly busy and draining day, Brady and I took the kids to Walmart to buy school shoes. I’m bad for procrastinating until the end of summer to get school stuff, but then there is virtually nothing left on the shelves! So I’m trying to nail it all down earlier this summer, and shoes are a big part of that! The rest can be ordered online, but I prefer to do shoes in person.

We shoed everyone appropriately, and now today, I’m making up the lists of what’s left to acquire before September. Its not too much, but its for five children, so it is more than average, I’m sure 😅 But I’ve already gone through what we already have here, so I’m eager to fill in the gaps and be 100% ready ahead of time!

I’ve built a big Staples list, and I’m going to try to nail down the other things on Amazon before the end of the morning. And then I’ll lunch everyone. And then I have to run to the city, and linger there for a little bit. Cher is going to join, and she tends to bring the party, so that’ll be a win 🙂

And we’ll see what the evening holds. There is no shortage of things over here. Prepping for camp. Separate camp for different kids. Getting organized for three appointments tomorrow. And ALL the other things swirling around over here 😅

Thank God for God. I’m not sure what we’d do without Him. His mercy is boundless.