I brought Dekker to spend a couple hours with my mom, and was met in the driveway with toast and honey 🙂 My mom is adorable, and ever-sustaining. Love her. I ate the toast and listened to really good music as Laela and I drove to the doctors office.
We met Brady there and got into our room right on time. We waited maybe fifteen minutes before Dr. Guselle surfaced and we recounted the whole mess from the other day. My first big faint. She took down all the info, asked a few questions, and gave the tips and suggestions that I should have already figured out. Then she did a routine prenatal appointment. Brady finally could hear the heartbeat, and I could hear it loud and clear. And you can too!!
Cool hey? I like it, anyway. My blood pressure was fine (low as usual) and my uterus is actually high enough to be measured! Just for fun, of course, since its all still pretty low down there. But its nice that things are moving right along! It felt pretty awesome to have that confirmed.
We hit up a couple of drive-thrus afterwards. Brady got himself a burger for lunch and I had an iced tea and a danish. Yum. Afterwards, Laela and I went to Walmart and Michaels for some yarn shopping. Since she still fits in a bucket seat, I always lug that in, but today she sat in the cart for the very first time! And she rocked it. She never tipped over once, and she seemed to get a real kick out of feeling the vibrations in her hands as she held on through the parking lot.
We purchased way too much yarn, and forgot a couple of colors that I actually needed to pick up for orders!! Thanks for nothing, pregnancy brain. I guess that gives me another excuse to go out again! Some of the colors have a very specific purpose or plan, but some were just pretty and I wanted them.
Laela slept on the drive to my parents, and Dekker slept on the way home, so neither kids were particularly sleepy upon arriving at home. However, neither had slept enough either. So I put them both down in their beds and figured I’d see what happened. They never got sad, but wow, did they play! Dekker did belly flops and Laela clapped and clapped for him. They would stand face to face and laugh at each other. They did great together. Definitely not sleeping, but still having some “quiet” aka away from mom time. It was awesome.
When Brady arrived home, I realized just what he was walking into. I was laying on the bed wearing only an ill-fitting bra and high waisted stretch pants. I know, a dazzling vision, isn’t it? Poor Brady. I am “that wife.” But he just laughed at me and happily got the kids.
We had leftovers for supper. They weren’t very yummy, but at least now they’re gone. Hopefully something yummier happens tomorrow. Oooooh! Maybe I should be a grown up and make something! We haven’t had honey chicken in a while…