Garage Sales and Parcel #2

Parcel #2 was worlds apart more exciting than parcel #1. In this box came our baby announcements!! Now, we didn’t plan things out especially well, and we ordered them to write our thank yous out on. We didn’t consider that maybe other people would want in, and only ordered a handful of extras to make a multiple of ten! So, oops. But anyway, THEY CAME! And they look great 🙂 It helps that Rowan is super adorable, but the colors are great, the quality is nice and beefy, and the back is even a bright blue chevron, which is always a selling feature for me. So parcel #2 was a big win. Perhaps I’ll actually write out my thank you cards while I wait for parcels #3-5.

We spent our day shopping around garage sales in my hometown. We made Jerilee come with us, and we traipsed around town for actually a pretty solid number of hours before the kids (and the adults, lets be honest) were finished. In the past years, we’ve come home with our van FULL of stuff, and I’m happy to report than we didn’t spend a crazy amount of money and found some really nice stuff 🙂 We found a few Pampered Chef products, a music stand, a couple items of clothing for Rowan, a great jacket for Brady, and a few other randoms. We found a BEAUTIFUL gift for the next person we know to have a baby girl, and probably my favorite thing – one of those old school chairs that have the flip down stairs to help a kid climb up. It was only $5! The older lady that sold us that threw in a carving knife and twi pronged fork set for slicing up turkey or whatever else. It’ll be nice not to use our big bright kitchen knives, but something a bit nicer.

It was a total success, and we were all pretty happy with our purchases. But now, my feet hurt and I’m feeling pretty wildly hormonal, if I can just put it out there. For some reason, I’m quite overwhelmed, so Brady gave me a bit of kid-free time to blog and rest upstairs while they’re being all comfy and overtired together downstairs. Its really nice for me.

I’m anticipating an early night for the kids, and hopefully for us too. As long as Rowan cooperates, I plan to sleep fairly early tonight, because tomorrow is a very special day that I’m spending with my mom 🙂 I’m a pretty big fan of her, if you hadn’t grasped that in the past, so I’m really looking forward to our date!

It was a good day. My sore feet are accomplished sore, not angsty sore. Successful sore.

mama jeanne

I’m a pretty big fan of yours too Hailey, my dear. I love you an am excited for tomorrow. Maybe we should talk tonight yet 🙂