Brady had today off, which was a HUGE treat, since he hasn’t day a weekday off in a while. We had a few plans, but nothing too crazy. However, his day did start off pretty early. We woke up around 6:30am with Solly, and he headed out shortly thereafter to run a few errands. He had emptied his work van the night before so he could go gather the last couple of things we had left in our storage container and haul them off to the dump. He swept the container out, and it has been hauled away. The last shred of our move is officially done 🙂 Awesome! I had found a lovely buffet for our dining room on kijiji the other day, and the couple had agreed to hold onto it until today, so he went to pick that up as well. After those errands, he picked up breakfast and came home. We ate fairly quickly, eager to carry in our new purchase, and see how it fit in. Turns out, it was better than we expected. Solid wood, VERY sturdy, in great condition. Huge win for a great price.
Poor Brady. Shortly after we had eaten, I found yet another kijiji purchase that we couldn’t refuse! No, we are not always this kijiji-happy, but I have been keeping an eye out for very specific things, and when they finally came along, I jumped. That is how Brady ended up heading right back into the city and picking up a large dining table and nine chairs! When he brought them home and set them up, they were also WAY better than we expected! Everything was sturdy, in fabulous condition, seemingly untouched. Once again, we had struck gold! Huge wins.
Once all of the hubbub of pick ups and set ups, we took a load off so Brady could shower and I could humanize a little bit before yet another outing!
The most fun part of the drive in today was this.
We switched Rowan to forward facing, and it made this possible!!! Ok, it may have been possible before, but regardless, this set up is SO much nicer than the last one, even! And the kids loved being side by side. We loved it too. It was such a cute sight to look back on.
Dekker has been asking for a haircut recently, which is completely out of character for him! He has previously hated having his hair cut, but since he was asking, and it was more of his idea than anyone else’s, we jumped at it. I booked an appointment for today for Brady and Dekker. It couldn’t have really worked out better, honestly. My hair girl works towards the back of the salon and today, the the four chairs around her were empty!! So she welcomed us to bring our cartload of kids back there, and they took turns sitting in the different stylists chairs, making faces in the mirror, and watching Brady get his haircut.
When it was Dekker’s turn, I hiked him up onto the booster on Carlinna’s chair, and he didn’t bat an eye. She put the cape around him, and I took his glasses off. All three of these things have previously made him scream and cry. We discussed what we wanted for his haircut. Just out of his eyes. Pretty much what he already had, but just a bit shorter and out of his eyes. People can think that I let my kids get overgrown because I’m lazy, thats fine. But Dekker likes shaggy hair. When I show him pictures of little boys haircuts, he likes the longer styles. So we discussed, she began, and he started talking with her. They talked about kindergarten and Paw Patrol. Thank goodness she’s watched it! Haha! It was SO nice how smoothly it went!
While they chatted and she worked away, Laela spun me in a nearby chair. She was SO sweet, and seemed pretty relieved that she wasn’t up for a haircut, lol!
The end result…..
I think he looks awesome 🙂 We always do a treat after a haircut, since it used to be such a debacle, so we walked the mall to Booster Juice and everyone got a snack sized Scary Berry. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it.
(This is me apologizing for not taking pictures of the rest of my family, haha! Rowan and Solly were so well behaved and quiet, I just missed them! Whoops!)
Everyone was on a roll, so we decided to hit Superstore for just a couple of things that we couldn’t find or forgot when we were shopping on Sunday. Unfortunately, we clearly pushed our luck, and Laela wailed the entire walk back to the van. But we got most of what we came for, so that was a win. We drove home from there, and put everyone to bed. It has been an incredibly successful and fun day! I feel completely content with how everything went, and my strained muscle hurts SO much, hahaha! But it was totally worth it 😀 Its that good “I did a lot of awesome things today” kind of pain.
Now off to soak in the tub and eat something delicious. Have a great evening, all!