Fuller than Expected

Today was going to be a very low key day with an evening outing. But, as tends to happen, the day filled and I was out more than expected! But it was actually super helpful.

You may have picked up on it, but we’ve had some sickness floating around for a good long while now. Back to school has really kicked our butts, to say the least. And while we should be LONG on our way to healing, we are not. In fact, some continue to get worse. So I called my doctors office first thing this morning and got a same-day appointment with one of her residents for the baby that needed the most help. That Lemon Drop, though.

After the appointment was booked, my doctor actually texted me personally to tip me off that there were a couple of spots available before she saw I had already filled one. I commented that I wished I could bring the entire gang, but that the one baby needs it the most. She asked me who else really needed to be seen, and I replied that both Brady and also the Morsel would really benefit from some backup. Brady starts another round of chemo tonight, and he had this cold already during his previous round! Its time for a reprieve!! And the Morsel has a pretty crappy respiratory history, and being sick this long makes me worry about lungs. So my doctor put everyones name down and I let Brady know he had an appointment in an hour 😅

I abandoned Cher at my house (thank you for cleaning for us today 💜) and ran the babies into the city where we met Brady in the parking lot. We got into a room quite a bit later than scheduled, but its SO fine with us because I know Dr. Guselle absolutely never ever rushes us.

The appointment was long and loud, with three cranky babies on hand. We saw a resident first, who checked everything really thoroughly, and said the dreaded words “Its a virus” which always means we just have to ride things out. However, when she went to consult with Dr. Guselle, they both came back and seemed a bit more eager to actually help us get through this VERY long running sickness.

All three of those seen came out with some backup. Nasal spray. A puffer. Some antibiotics on file in case things don’t clear up or start to worsen, and some additional help with reflux that has been GROSSLY exacerbated by all the coughing.

I came home to a much cleaner house than the one I left, and Cher encouraged me to sit and rest a little while she got the babies some lunch 💜 Then, we put the big ones down for naps, and the Lemon Drop hung around with us.

It wasn’t long before kids came home, the piano was opened up, the homework came out, and things got busy for a good hour. And then we went back into the city! Whew!

A baby got a visit. Kids ate supper out. I shopped at Value Village and got Dekker winter boots. It was a great success 🙂

I am VERY grateful for my life. The days are very full, but full doesn’t mean bad. Not at all. MUCH good happened today. It is not lost on me how fortunate my family is and how many blessings are poured out on us 💜

Tomorrow was also meant to be quite quiet, but as tends to happen, I now have many things on my list 😂 Another big day ahead!! At least I’ve never ever bored!

G’night, all!

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