After ALL the talk of Dekker’s broken bones and my pain, some pictures have been left by the wayside. I’ll share a few from the weekend that won’t otherwise make it into a post. I have some that definitely will still, so I’ll hang onto those 😉
Brady’s Christmas gift finally came in the mail!! Totally worth the wait. We LOVE The Office.

Rowan drew a picture of a hippo (apparently) and named it Bob Hope 😳 He chose Bob because he can spell it, and we have an ornament in our house that says Hope. I don’t think he knows Bob Hope is actually a real person but I think its hilarious. Which is fitting.

He also drew something else suspicious…. 😳

Brady and I used to try and have a coffee and/or breakfast date Saturday mornings before the kids woke up. We haven’t done it in a LONG time, and this weekend, he got up early and made turnovers. I took a picture in the dark and saw later that the drizzle looked like an IUD. Not sure why it matters, but I laughed.

Baths went down. Wavy didn’t last the whole time with everyone again but she was so stinking cute while it lasted.

I was looking something up on an older blog and stumbled upon these pictures of little bitty Rowan. Goodness he is SO CUTE!!!

Dekker gained some confidence and strength in his arm and shoulder. Win!!!

The hats came back out!! We have a bin of hats and masks that were given to us a while back, and they didn’t come out too terribly often because they would cover our whole house! Now that the basement is toy zone, they’re spread out down there and the kids are LOVING it!

All in all, there was a lot of cute this weekend. I’ll share all about the basement and bedroom changes soon. I’m SO excited to share, but my body is crying for healing, and therefore I am doing literally nothing to help Brady 😔 This is so not how I saw things going, but one way or another, it’s going to get done. And when we’re there, or even close to there, I’ll show you around!
Happy Monday, friends! 💜