Fresh Starts

I felt as though I was at the end of my rope yesterday. Strangely enough, I don’t think it was just me. I think my whole household was going through the same feelings. Because today felt so much better. For everyone!!!

I woke up to pee around 6:00ish and realized that Brady had forgot to set his alarm. So I woke him up in a bit of a panic. therefore, I was awake. My kids were still asleep for another 2.5 hours but I had no such luck. I was a bit bummed but felt surprisingly rested. I figured that really counted for something considering the last couple of days. So I ran with it. I was fully prepared to be as boisterous as possible and super patient. Today had to be better than yesterday.

And these kids are just sweet as pie. You can tell a switch was flipped, even just for today, and everyone is feeling better.

Dekker is positive and making jokes and playing really well with Laela. When her water bottle ran out, he gave her his. He brought her crackers and helped her eat her lunch. Things like that. He didn’t scream, and hardly whined all morning!

Laela had taken two steps in a row a number of days ago, but not much else since. Today, she has been working tirelessly at walking. She accomplished FIVE whole steps!!! At one, she walked from one chair to another, grabbed hold, and then let go and just headed into the middle of the room on foot. I feel like its a pretty big deal when she’s not even necessarily going towards a destination, but just feels like walking. She fell on her bum after a few steps but I went to attack her and praise her up, and terrified her! She jumped out of her skin and started speed crawling away, until she realized it was a game, when she fell over onto her back and gave me her tummy to tickle and nibble.

Jim has made his very first visible movements for me today! They’re still pretty little, but they’re getting bigger, and can finally be seen on the outside! I’ve never had the experience of feeling movement inside but not being able to feel it on the outside until there was Jim. He’s kept me guessing a lot, but now I can finally see it and know I’m not making it up. I better not be after 21 weeks!

So many cool accomplishments I had to share today 🙂 Dekker was sad to go down for his nap but he did waaay better than I thought he would! He was sad, but went upstairs on his own, took his glasses off and put them on the dresser and crawled into his bed, all without being told! So I’m calling it a success, whining or not. Now that the kids are in bed, so am I. Just because I can, really. I don’t have much soreness or any chest pain today, but I’m still taking it easy. Yay for comfy, successful days where you don’t feel like pulling out your hair!!