Last night confused me so much. Anyone else? I woke up in the middle of the night to a weird rattling sound. I was still mostly asleep and couldn’t piece anything together. I gradually decided it was the wind, and in my mind, it was whipping dirt on my windows. I lay in bed, fully accepting this as truth, until I was awake long enough to actually be coherent, and I realized it was rain!
And I was SO HAPPY because I love waking up to the sound of rain! Its one of my favorite reasons to have a choppy sleep.
Again, as I woke up further, I realized how much of a bummer freezing rain is. Booooo :/ I listened to it for a while, but finally, sleep won, and I was back to sleep.
Everything is frozen over.

This looks a lot like those windows that people have in bathrooms, where the sun gets in but no one can actually see inside. Except these are the windows in our bedroom! Our front window was just as bad but it’s about halfway melted off now.
While I don’t care for freezing rain at all, I very much anticipate the Spring rains that will come soon that we can all enjoy in rubber boots and hoodies. Its good to remember that they’re coming.