We’re down a couple of kids this week. Every child had their own room last night! Except the morsel, but thats different.
Solomon was still fast asleep when I went to his room.
Wavy was the same – fast asleep.
Rowan was awake, but way less with it than when I usually go to him.
Kids sat at the island for breakfast, because, there was room. Then they got ready, and the two boys headed off to school on their bikes together. Today isn’t a school day for Wavy, so she’s stuck with me.
Cher came for a shorty coffee before she got into her day, which was a nice light, relaxed spot of the day!
This morning, the two kids at home got baths. Lots of playing. I worked on a handful of things – laundry, tidying, lots of running up and down the stairs. You know those days where you do WAY more stairs than others?? Whew!
We will leave shortly for an appointment, and maybe accomplish a small handful of things while in Saskatoon. But we have to be back in time for school to be out, as well as to take Wavy to ballet!! 💜 Did you guys know she’s in ballet?! Anyway, its not a long class so I should collect the boys and hang at the park or something while she’s in, and then we could all go home together. Should’ve set that up this morning… huh. I’ll have to work that out still, haha!
*pauses the blog to message teachers*
After school means more work! Hopefully Brady getting home at a good time. We’re trying to clean up a bunch of things over here and its taking more hands than we have! And with the biggest helpers gone, we have to make every minute of time count!!
*forgets to finish blog and leaves for Saskatoon*
Off to get the laundry out of the dryer before we head to pickup and ballet!!! 😅