For the Next While

So much has changed recently, and its not a secret that we’re feeling overdone. I am SO thankful that Brady has had the days off that he has recently, but today, a bunch of things changed and reality hits again!

We’ve relocated to my parents place for the next little while. We just moved into their place today, and the kids are thrilled! Brady and I are so comfortable here, and its actually been interesting this evening, to see how differently we respond. I feel surprisingly upbeat and energized, while Brady is wiped right out. Its ok, though. We understand each other, and I think we’re working with each other’s differences 🙂

This morning was really busy. Laela had an eye appointment that she was incredibly uncooperative for, but once Dr. Rubab broke out the princesses and the tootsie rolls, we got enough information to know confidently that Laela does not have a prescription, and that her eyes are straight and working together!!! I’ll take it! Right after her appointment, we grabbed some lunch, and the kids ate while we drove back to our acreage. We put them down for a nap, and Brady and began the big process of organizing and packing up for the next little while.

We arrived at my parents around supper time, and my dad helped Brady unload the van. My mom served us an amazing supper of sweet and sour sausage on rice, and while the kids were skeptical (they love their food very plain) they both ate a good sized serving of the meal and then had some other sides without complaint. I think it kicked off our stay here very well!!

Tomorrow, life begins again, and Brady heads back to work. But we shall see how it all rolls out. I think he’s feeling ready to get back into the swing of things, and to a degree, I am too. We could really use some normalcy around here, and we haven’t had any in what feels like a very very long time. Hopefully our time here will help a little 🙂