Its an oddly unsettled, discouraging time in some ways. It never hurts to share joy, tho! So in no particular order, here are five things that make me happy.
Sleeping. Whether its me or them, I love sleeping. You know that joke people make about how, as teens, all we wanted to do was stay up, and now we cannot wait for bedtime? That rings truer to me now than it ever has before, and consider that I had five children before Brady was paralyzed and diagnosed with cancer. That is how tired I am, hahaha! So, I’m pretty much in a relationship with sleep.

White macaroni makes me happy. It has to be Presidents Choice, and it has to be el dente. Made with juuust a little extra milk to get it super creamy. Made perfectly, this is SUCH an indulgence for me! Yum! Brady and I may have eaten two boxes of it last night in bed after the kids went down for the night. Maybe.

Brady makes me happy. He is the epitome of man. The ultimate husband to me and father to our children. I could not have chosen a better person to do life with. Seriously. We have such a good thing going, and I am incredibly grateful for a healthy marriage. Being apart those nine weeks made us even stronger. Don’t get me wrong, I super hated it, haha! Because, as mentioned, Brady makes me happy. I’m so grateful to God that he came back home to me.

Finding the end of the yarn that pulls from the middle makes me happy! Only some of you will understand this one, but trust me, this is HUGE! Especially with these huge skeins of yarn, that piece is almost impossible to find, and most of the time, you end up just unrolling it from around the outside, and the stupid ball of yarn rolls all over the place. Finding the one from the centre is victory! And I FOUND one!!! And it made me happy!!! (Just you guys wait for the post showing you what I’ve all been working on!! Eek! Projects!!!!!)

And snuggling with my kids makes me happy. I’ve had the privilege of getting closer to my Solly, as he is SUCH a daddys boy! He still LOVES his dad, don’t get me wrong, but its like he sees the value in me, too. He is a total snuggler with me now, and I LOVE it! I often find myself with a kid on either side, or one will just walk by and flop onto my lap. Legs are always tangled in mine, a head is always on my chest, and hair is always in my mouth. But tt is a true treasure, and one I feel very fortunate to know.

I feel so fortunate. Even amidst these darker times, I have joy. We are happy and secure and faith-filled. Uncertainty is there, but not in the forefront. We are breathing in and out, and moving forward. God knows what we need.
PC white cheddar Mac and cheese is my number one favorite food in the whole world. ❤️
Yesssss! I’m so glad you can relate!