(Hopefully this post doesn’t feel redundant with her monthly updates, but I can’t leave her out of this! At least read it for the pictures!)
Whats new with Waverly? Lots! This girl is ever changing! She is cold-free, up to date on her vaccines, and just beautifully healthy and sweet. Her hair is getting longer and longer, and there is lots of new growth around the edges and throughout. She is getting taller and thicker, but she still feels so dainty. The truth of the matter is that she’s probably up in size 6 months now, but I haven’t had the nerve to pull that stuff out yet. I’m not ready!! Lol! She’s very interactive and loves to be talked to and teased. I don’t have any big specific changes to share, I suppose, but everything she’s doing continues to progress and get better and better! Oh and she super loves to be naked, haha!
Whats the same with Waverly? Two specific things come to mind. One is that she still hates her bath. Hates her bath. But she’s totally fine I think moving her to the big tub helped a little, but I’m suspicious that she’s going to be one who wants the bath hotter than I’m prepared to make it. So she’ll just have to hate it while I work up to figuring out her preferred temperature. The other things thats the same but I thought would’ve changed is her lack of teeth. She is teething HARD right now. I’ve never felt baby teeth SO close to the surface without them breaking through, but alas, they’re still tucked down there! So we wait. But she won’t be toothless for much longer!!
God has already used Wavy in obvious, exciting ways! I’m SO excited to see what He does with her next!
I have never anticipated a baby the same way that I anticipated Waverly, and she did not disappoint!
Thats a wrap, folks! I hope everyone got a little taste of each of our children in this mini-series! These posts mean so much to me, because one day I’ll be able to look back at my blog books and see exactly where each kid was at the exact same time. These are such precious times.