Whats new with Rowan? Lots, actually! Ro is changing and developing, and is a pretty rockstar older brother to Solly! Those two used to battle it out on the daily, and while its not necessarily smooth 100% of the time, its way better than it was last year. Rowan will initiate games with Solly, and try and teach him things. While he has always been paired off with Laela as being the most similar kids, he’s recently been pushing harder to be his own guy, with his own say over his style. He didn’t want to wear a Halloween costume. He doesn’t like hats. If he had it his own way, he’d always be naked. He’s a funny kid 🙂 The biggest change with Ro recently is this whole lactose/milk/dairy/allergy/sensitivity/issue. We’re still working on it, and I can make a whole post about that in the near future, but so far what I do know is that swapping out his usual milk with almond milk is making a difference, and we’ve scrapped his yogurt out for apple sauce. He hasn’t fought either of those changes too hard, because he more so likes that he is the exception to the rule. I think he thinks its like treats. So thats fun! Last change with Rowan is that he can finally get dressed independently! It took that kid a long time to learn how to get in and out of a shirt! Haha!
Whats the same about Rowan? He still plays the same way. He prefers to just pick a couple favorite things and haul them around. One of them is always the stuffie he sleeps with, which is currently “Little Foxy.” Ro continues to be one of the freindliest kids I’ve ever met, chatting with random people at grocery stores, shaking hands at church, etc. He is also our must snuggly child! He got extra snuggly right around when he turned a year old. We figured it was because he was aware of my growing belly and he sort of knew instinctually that a baby was coming (Solly) and he wasn’t going to be the youngest anymore. SO I snuggled the heck out of that kid! And BEST thing ever – he snuggles never quit! He’ll happily waste the morning away sitting on my lap, if I let him. I can attack him first thing in the morning in his bed, and lay on top of him, and he just takes it. The best is, if I’m sad or having a hard time, he’ll say “I’ll feel you better, mommy” and come hug and kiss me. He snuggles SO nice. In case you hadn’t picked up on it, Rowan also still loves his long hair. I was regularly asking him if he wants one, and he was getting frustrated with it, insisting that he likes it long. So we made a deal. I told him I would never force him to cut his hair, and I told him that he can ask for a haircut anytime, and he can have one. But we both love his hair, so I’m pretty happy with that arrangement.
Rowan tends to just float where the wind blows. He’s SO innocent and free!
I love Rowan’s gentle soul and the way he pours love out on everyone. He’s already such a little man!