Whats new with Laela? Lots! Laela is in kindergarten, and it shows. She is always coming home talking about letter sounds, patterns, songs, etc. She is absolutely loving school. I’ve been learning that, while Laela is second in birth order, she is the oldest girl, and therefore often feels like she’s the oldest. Sometimes that results in a power struggle, because she wants to be SO grown up, but it also leaves her quite responsible and helpful to the younger ones. Laela has dropped off some of her reserved nature, and is starting to let loose a little bit. She’ll sing and dance and be silly with everyone, where as she used just sit off to the side and watch. She LOVED preschool, but barely sang or did actions. It seems thats a thing of the past, as she comes home and sings for me the songs she learns at school. Its so refreshing! She’s also continued to ace her letters, learning the sounds without much help at all, and even sounding words out. If there is ever an opportunity to write a note or a card, she is ON it! Just about everything she writes is about how much she loves someone and why. Usually “Yoo are grat.” Stuff like that 💜 On a less important note, but still worth mentioning, Laela is bang on size wise, wearing the standard size 5T at age five. Her hair is suddenly quite long and noticeably thicker. And she let’s me do it! In fact, she chooses what she wants it to look like every day. She’s definitely not a little little girl anymore.
Whats the same about Laela? She’s still super girly. Loves to play with makeup and jewelry, pick her own clothes, etc. She still eats just little bits, and at a snails pace. She still loves babies, haha! Her siblings are cool and all, but the baby always wins. She’ll speak to her younger siblings in an extra-high, squeaky voice, which is hilarious if you’ve ever heard her normal voice. Its already SO high, her “baby talk” voice is most comparable to a dog whistle. But its SO sweet! Laela continues to be our child that pushes back against some of our rules, but I like to think it’ll be an amazing quality as she gets older, where she’ll hold to her convictions and not back down when she truly believes something!
She’s not as quiet as she pretends to be 😉 This girl can PLAY!
I LOVE this little girly so so much! I can’t wait to see what she does next!