I thought this was a pretty lovely moment the other day and I wanted to share it here so we always remember 💜
Wavy came into the living room with a brush and an elastic, asking me for a braid. And before I could even respond, Laela jumped at the chance! Now, these two gripe at each other pretty regularly. I think most siblings do. Summer has been extra taxing for some of my kids relationships, and the girls feel some strain, for sure. So I was VERY surprised when Laela volunteered so eagerly!
As she sat on the couch and started brushing Wavys hair, I heard her say to Wavy that she had never braided anyone’s hair before.

Now, if she’s anything like me, that takes some guts. I confirmed what sge had said, and she told me Avery taught her about braiding at the lake on her stuffed unicorn that we accidentally renamed Stefan Buttcheeks. Thats a whole other story. But anyways, Laela had only ever braided Stefan Buttcheeks’ mane. So this was a first.
And it was a success 😍

She commented that it was a little loose and Wavy jumped right in and reassured her that she LOVED it! I’m pretty sure she just loved the experience with her sister 💜
I loved it too 🥰