Our line up for this upcoming school year iiiiiiiiis… *drumroll*
Rowan Toby in grade ONE!!!

Laela Hazel in grade THREE!!!

Dekker Thomas in grade FIVE!!! 😳

These three beautiful offspring are in school FULL TIME!!!

We have one in our lineup who is a half-timer. Solomon Brady in KINDERGARTEN!

More from him later, as this wasn’t his first day yet. Thats next week.
Aaaaand our final member from the home team! Waverly Violet is THREE, and at HOME!

Days ago she asked “How long before I’m in high school?” Ugh. I’m not ready.
The most beautiful group of children right here 🙌

This smooth morning would NOT have been possible without our people. My mom catching up our laundry after the lake so the kids had underwear, and buying us a stack of groceries so we had good packable lunch food. Cher putting in HOURS upon HOURS of work on purchasing, organizing, labelling, and packing the kids school supplies. It was a team effort, and I am SO appreciative of our team.

We walked the kids to school and picked them up. Everyone was happy and lively and completely content both getting to school and upon pickup. What a huge relief. Thank you to their beautiful teachers for all the effort put into them already! Its going to be an amazing year.