First Attempt: Failed

We miss church over here. Truly, we do. There have been stages where going to church feels like a chore. I won’t lie, and you shouldn’t either, because we all know that sometimes things like that just don’t feel like priorities. However, our family has really enjoyed church when we’ve been able to go, which has been very little this year, thanks to aaaaall the brain stuff in the beginning of the year and then the summer of camping. So this weekend was the one. We were going to go. Finally.

Of course, the sickness that has grabbed onto us as school begun continues to hold on tightly, and the babies seem to be a bit worse for wear :/ A second round, perhaps. We’ve had some fevers. Some snot faucets. One impressive viral rash. Lots of crying, and lots of sleeping.

Implied sleeping, anyway. Necessary sleeping.

Brady and I had resigned to the reality that likely one of us would have to miss church to hang back with the babies.

Last night was a fun challenge. Our Lemon Drop never sleeps, as you know. Brady and I and LD were up in the middle of the night, and the power went out. It was around 2:30am. Our old house used to beep when the power went on and off. This house doesn’t beep. It more so hums. But in our room, when the power goes out, the fan turns off, as does the noise machine.

That was the kicker.

No. More. Noise.

LD was not impressed. By default, neither were we. The crying would not stop. No milk was drank. No soothers were taken. No burps erupted. Just only crying. Because tired, and because quiet. We FINALLY found some reprieve in a rattle as distraction, but it was short lived. No sleep was in sight, so we decided to put a show on the laptop to let our bodies and brains rest a little at least, whilst distracting the baby. We were willing to hotspot for the data on our phones.

But the laptop was dead.

Brady worked to get the iPad up and running and when he pulled it from his lake bag (ya, those aren’t unpacked yet) we remembered we had an older phone and a bluetooth speaker than we use for noise in the camper. We pulled it out and I brought it over to the toddlers room. They, too, sleep with noise, and they were already making noise and moving around. I snuck the speaker in their door, and within a few minutes, it also died! ACK!

The big babies were out of luck. We finally got the Lemon Drop down to rest, and we shut everything else off and tried to get some sleep. Our call to SaskPower had been fruitless, as we were apparently the only call that had come in, so they blamed our breakers. Which sucked.

When we stumbled out of bed after a very broken, short night, it had been six hours, and we still had no power.

There were not enough hours of sleep to be had to be functioning human beings, so church was off the table.

We will try again next week. Hopefully less people are sick by then, anyway.

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