This morning, ALL the school kids went to school!
The three older ones were super happy to walk to school together!

Can I also add in here that Rowan’s braid was probably the most perfect it has ever been??? Ack!

Good job, me!
Thanks, me!
Shortly thereafter, I was able to take Solomon to preschool! It had been SO long!! He came upstairs, dressed in real clothes, and told me “I look SO wild!!”

Lol! Doesn’t he? 😉 SO wild in his jeans, white shirt, and grey hoodie?
Bring on the time with only one kid at home!

Thank you Cher for always taking pictures 💜 Its a bigger gift than you know.
Nap time! Egg salad wraps, Netflix, and some studying/crocheting with Cher! I hope your afternoon is as nice as mine is going to be!